Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blue .....

It is amazing that the republican party continues to blame Pelosi for the failed bailout.I watched someone named Michelle Bachman who sounded as dim as Sarah Palin about the whole thing.  Not only am I not so sure the bailout was really necassary, there are other methods, but it seems that the media itself just refuses to state that this was supposed to be a partisan effort. The Democrats were NOT to carry it on their own and it is a good thing they didn't. What a crock.
If you possibly have the time, please read this Truthout article. It is shockingly disturbing. 
                            ......and looking at the watercolor above always makes me feels better.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Lately I have been reading so many articles on politics and the whys and the wheres of both parties. Although I have been an Obama supporter from the beginning I find that living inboth Ridgway Colorado and in Atlanta Georgia I have been called on to defend my candidate many times. I am always surprised that the Fox news watchers (if I were George Bush I would call them the "evil watchers") actually don't bother ever looking at the other side of anything. People must be talking a lot about the Democrats and how much we need really honest change because the polls reflect that Barack Obama is tracking up. Perhaps I know more people who are not concerned with the state of the world even though many others are. 
This is the most important election in my lifetime...and I have voted for about 45 years. This election, I hope, will restore our country to one that has the respect of our allies again. Believe me, that will not happen if Sarah Palin is vice president. 

 When I need time to think I sit on the bench and look at the pink plant that is unwisely growing beside it. Out of the realm where I spray the deer repellent and at the edge where I sometimes forget to water, it just keeps growing and blooming. It's nice to trust that some things work that way. Politics never does.