Sunday, November 9, 2008

race in America.......

While reading the various articles about "the Bradley effect" I was looking over Joan Walsh's column for In it she revisits a quote by one Joe Sitiski who told the New York Times that the fact that Barack Obama is an African American made his choice more difficult. He stated that he was "brought up that way, and I don't like his name".  Now, I believe that it is either unbearably sad that someone would know that and not realize it was not only wrong but an abomination of God's basic rule, if you believe in God....or I find it a giant leap that he admitted it. Which it is will be long debated in my mind as I search for some sort of reason.  Also, I have never met a racist who does not believe in God (Isn't that interesting?)  How does anyone who is educated in any way, not see the error in looking down at anyone because of race? What is it that brings someone to the conclusion that they think anyone is less worthy than they? How does that happen? How do parents convey it to their children? I cannot even imagine living in a family like that although I have seen it, I have heard it and I have stood up and denounced it but I've always been able to walk away from that kind of an individual. As so many of these things are discussed more openly,  I think it is making for greater change and understanding on both sides of this issue, some of it good, some of it not.