Sunday, November 2, 2008

early Sunday morning.....

I can't sleep again. I awake with the feeling that I've been kicked in the stomach and the election is over. I cannot wait for it to be over. I am eating everything in sight, which is not good considering yesterday was Halloween and I have candy left . All the candy that I love, milk duds, junior mints, heath bars, mounds, milky way dark; it's been a busy day but I'm a wreck so I just feel better when I'm eating. Tomorrow is time for me to reread my training for poll watching and get it all set up so what I do while I'm there means something. Monday I will spend at headquarters part of the day and pick up my badge. We are allowed to take large t-shirts for people to throw on in case they wear something that advertises their candidate...We were told to offer to anyone "no matter how ill advised their choice". We Democrats are way too nice. I know a woman who is poll watching for the Republicans. Her attitude, even when speaking to me,  is to keep people from voting if there is a question...ours is to help make sure everyone can vote... big difference in philosophy there. 
I stand back and look at this election, all that has happened, all that may happen and I am so sure I am working for the right cause.  I am struck with disbelief that there are people like John McCain and Karl Rove, and Saxby Chamblis who have done the things they've done, and made the statements they have made here in America. They could only have learned to be the way they are from their families growing up. How damning for that part of our culture.  A culture of racism that I hope is on the way out. I've always believed that racism against anyone is a rotten core that will fester and grow secretly from inside until it spreads out and destroys us all. 
Tuesday cannot come too soon for me.
