Friday, October 31, 2008

But what about Israel?

My feelings are such that we need to be economically strong to be of any use to our allies. Edgar Bronfman has another side of this story and I think his is even more important.

I see they have given me my neighborhood poll to watch in. It should be an interesting day.

another timely article from the very brilliant  Robert Wexler>>>>link here

story from Vietnam.....McCain as a man.

Enough said....MKSinsa.


The Colorado purge of voters has just been overturned. At last it will be written that our government is working for all people on this issue. After two stolen elections it is finally being set right. What incredible nerve to purge registration lists. This is still the United States of America.
Full article   ...dailykos...
...Also, according to The Washington Post, the Department of Justice is sending 800 Federal observers and staff  to monitor the polls in various counties around the country. It's about time.  

...and, this morning in the Washington Post ....." an idiot wind keeps blowing".

Thursday, October 30, 2008

the VP theory

The idiocy of the predicament that John McCain now finds himself in because of his choice of Sarah Palin, is tantamount only to his appeasement of the Christian right in this election. His reasoning behind his pick was flawed from the beginning. 
Although McCain wanted "Joe the Judas" as the  VP candidate on the "hate talk express",   McCain took the old role of a little boy, holding his breath until he gets his way.  John McCain turned to what he has always turned to......a pretty face to ease his woes.  A "pretty face" who he called his "soul mate",  ahem!  If he did any vetting of her he saw the stories about her alleged affair and thought " ahhh, maybe". Well, this pretty face has turned out to be his waterloo and even if they win the election John McCain will always remember that this woman is not like the pliable beauty queens he chose before. I imagine that his first wife is watching this election with awe. She perhaps can see that the pain she felt when he deserted her is similar to the pain he is feeling now over the pretty face that has destroyed forever his name in the history books as an honorable man. Sometimes the world works right and a person really does get back exactly what they gave.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday evening ....very very nice feeling.

Quote from Karion .....  "He's just different, and for those of us who have followed politics for many years and voted in many elections, sure, we are kind of dazzled. It is just different-the kind of thing you read about in history books."

on a light note......sort, not really.

I love this man.

and a touching video filled with hope......

and so......

Here is why we are so sad about our America, here is why we aren't proud of our America all the time and here is what we fear because there is nothing that we can do to have the America that will be equal for us all. How can it be that here, in the United States of America, one partys only hope to win is a massive turnout that will prevent this election from being stolen?   Here in America.  I know that many do not know about these situations. There have been quite a few books written about it in the last 7 years and it is hard to believe but it is true.  Imagine how you would feel if you cared deeply about a candidate but were not allowed to vote because you were too poor to have a drivers license, and someone decided your ID wasn't good enough,  or you had to move and your address didn't match and you got the wrong person at the polls to help you....and they said no, or one initial was left out of one of your forms and because you were a minority they stopped you?  My heart would be broken.
 I have had two women say to me that the poor and the young should not be allowed to vote. I was so shocked both times and I knew that it was an excuse for their racism on one hand and their fear that the young are too liberal on the other. One of these women has signed up to be a poll watcher. Her attitude is she will keep people from voting...can you even imagine feeling that way? I wonder if she has been told to do that or if she just feels that is best?  I am poll watching also and I was taught I am there to see that ANYONE, for McCain or Obama,  who is having a problem will get some answers.  I know that the young people in my family,and that I know,  are totally versed and invested in this election and every election, more so than either of those women;  but that does not surprise me. The reasons these women gave for their anti American attitudes have nothing to do with the constitutional right to vote. They are like many of our supposed leaders in this country who just make up laws to help themselves. Selfish and greedy and you see the same thing in daily life.  This is happening here and yet I've never heard anyone say that a racist should not vote. That would be an individual who is probably voting just to vote against Obama in this election because he is black. Very likely someone who knows nothing about the candidates either.  It seems to me there is some sort of disconnect here....  everyone should be able to exercise their right to vote no matter their choice or for what reasons. Even the racist....and even the two women I know who know nothing about either candidate, but will vote just the same.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

And in conservative Missouri.........

One of the most highly regarded newspapers in the country in one of the most conservative parts of the country. StL POST..LINK HERE...  At the very end of the editorial they say   "Finally, only at this late point, do we note that Barack Obama is an African American. Because of who he is and how he has run his campaign, that fact has become almost incidental to most Americans. Instead, his countrymen are weighing his talents, his values, and his beliefs, judging him not by the color of his skin,  but by the content of his character.
That says something profound and good,  about him as a candidate, and about us as a nation."

It's 3:00 am .....

Joan Walsh LINK HERE. I am way too tired to go through this entirely sordid McCain smear so here is Joan Walsh's article that is clear, concise, and true. I am so sick of these awful people. Where is the truth in anything they say?  So sad for the Republican party. 
Storm clouds......
If you get a chance read Dr Alan Lipman's last 4 or 5 postings. They are so good and so funny. 
Update Tuesday   ...Robert Draper .....LINK HERE.... has started blogging for GQ online. New things and very insightful.
Again: Update Tuesday...  The New Yorker ...LINK HERE... The reasons why and how John McCain picked Sarah Palin to be his running mate.  I feel that the facts of the way John mcCain has lived his life is coming back to haunt him. 

Monday, October 27, 2008

We need heavy turnout...Vote!......

In 2000 and in 2004 the elections...yes, our United States of America elections,  were stolen. It will forever be known that it happened and the history books will acknowledge it.   We cannot let this happen again. The only way to stop it is to win by a large enough margin to offset any attempt to divert or electronically change and miscount votes. This will be especially important in Pennsylvania. We are way up in PA. right now but both McCain and Obama have continued to campaign there. McCain has pulled people out of states he is closer, much closer,  to winning to keep pressing in the Keystone state. Why? There are reasons that anything can happen.
Fortunately,  Barack Obama is smarter than anyone who has run for president in years. I think he understands the Rovian sector of the Republican campaign so well that he has several different ways of coping with any illegal methods of vote suppression that they attempt. It will be an interesting week.  Make your plans to vote now. Either vote early or try to give yourself plenty of time to do it on election day. Plan for rain, plan for cold. Vote!!!
And here in Georgia we have.....

Sunday, October 26, 2008

New ad.......

A piece of satire straight from Alaska...MUDFLATS  

and, below...McSame

fruit flies addendum......

PZ Myers Biologist:University of Minnesota:  LINK HERE  Part of what he says is;   "I am appalled. This idiot woman, this blind, shortsighted ignoramus, this pretentious clod, mocks basic research and the international research committee" He also calls her an "ignorant buffoon, who believes in the end times"   It goes on from there and is blunt and honest in a way that our media just cannot seem to dredge up from the hole they have sunk into. Surely, someone must have told her after the first time she said it that it was wrong and stupid......she keeps saying it. Again today. Someone stop this woman!
Here is a toast to the sacrificial bugs of this world. Sometimes it is necessary.


I've never taken my right to vote for granted and I've always had the feeling that I wish I had been there to help change things. My father's grandmother was a suffragette and I find that fascinating and inspiring. This election is another step in the very rich tapestry of change that has made this country great. Whatever the final results of the election, I cannot imagine not being a part of this historic time. I need to be able to tell my grandchildren someday that I voted for a young man who rose from nothing to try to help this country. I believe the history books will be glowing in their praise for Barack Obama if he wins this election.
.....and no, Barack Obama does NOT have an acceptance speech written....and yes, he WILL write it himself. This is a little different than John McCain, who does not write anything himself. Mark Salter writes all his speeches and has written ALL his books. his party calls it "composing". Mark Salter "composes" his books.
A little addition to this post. Although this is a few days old, Alan Lipman, a clinical psychologist and professor has a blog that I just happened to find. This ARTICLE in particular I found so interesting and while you are at his site read everything. It is all very enlightening.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oh my God....totally lacking in knowledge of any kind...

Keith Olbermann continues to pull all the points together in an amazing way. The end of this clip is about the very important research with fruit flies that is being done for, what?, AUTISM. A disease that afflicts Sarah Palin's nephew.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Bob the, money, money...

Comparative tax figures in the following article are from an interview with Gerald Prante, an economist with the nonpartisan 'Tax Foundation'.
  Gary Kamiya's article in salon..   I have known these things for a very long time because I researched both sides of this issue. Evidently many people do not believe it. It's true and I am posting it to show just how silly this entire issue has become. 

the more things change........

Conservatives for Change>>>Video HERE

I am at the point where I just want the stress to be over. I am so tired of hearing McCain and Palin saying the same things, exactly the same way, over and over again. I just hope it doesn't work but now they are going back to being nice and folksy about 80% of the time. That would have worked if they had started it sooner. These people are chameleons. They lie and are phony and are vicious except when they cover it up with fake smiles. The problem in this day and age  is they bombarded everyone with so many lies that were so easy to check out on the internet. The only people who believe any of the bad things said about Barack Obama are those who do not know how to ferret out the real true answers to questions online. I think this may kill Rovian politics....but then there are still Diebold machines almost everywhere. A very large turnout for Obama will help with that. If they had run a positive campaign, on truth, they would be so far ahead now....although for spurious reasons. Ah well, now we will see what happens. 


Thursday, October 23, 2008

todays speech.......

In Richmond Virginia on October 22, 2008. Video below...

   The speech both parties should be giving. Tonight is my pollwatchers training for Campaign for a Change. Looking forward to it.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

when this is over.....

After the 4th of November, whatever the results, I believe a new force has begun in this country that will diminish all the hate and lead us into becoming a smarter and more inclusive nation.  I do believe it has already spread it's wings and I think we have gone too far to lose.
This from ONE TRUE MEDIA  and I found this photo on **glitteratuer**.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What Obama has actually done.....

This article clearly puts his accomplishments in the senate out there for all to see. HERE
I will write about this tomorrow. I will say now that I do not know how these people sleep at night. I'm so mad...finally. (borrowed photo)

A little video from Wasilla.......

Update at the top. of the hour. Here we have another little article that is all sourced and really stunning. The dirtier they get the more little truths like THIS are appearing. 

Please let this not be all true, especially not the mayor. Who are these people in this video??
Now if you want to see a wonderful small town with a lot of incredibly intelligent people,  many of whom are real cowboys, come to Ridgway Colorado. 850 population and the most beautiful place you could imagine.
A photo of the Ridgway park in the center of the perfect town. 

Again.......problems with voting

This year is a little different.  There was massive voter fraud in both 2000 and 2004 by the Rovians of Bush world.  Now you can read about all of the things that happened and as history is written it will become more and more obvious although a little too late. Now that we've had the bloodbath of the Iraq war and the very disastrous economic situation that the Republicans have wrought with Ronald Reagan leading the way on deregulation and tricle down, enough of the American people will be voting to offset the diversion of votes such as what is occurring in West Virginia. Over and over again the machines in WV are flipping the vote to McCain after a person casts their vote for Obama. For the elderly , especially, it will be difficult for them to see it. The attempt of Ohio to purge voters names has been stopped for now and that is the first step. 
Unfortunately McCain has hired a man, Nathan Sproul, who has been investigated many times for suppressing the Democratic vote. The Republican party loves this man.  He also donated $30,000 to the McCain campaign. He is managing partner of Lincoln Strategy and the RNC  paid his company $175,000 for "registering voters" and has just paid an additional $37,000.  Why does that seem peculiar?   This article on Huffington Post explains it in detail and I think the fact that the internet is so readily available to EVERYONE who thinks, will make the electorate aware this time. Another Keith Olbermann VIDEO.....excellent!
What is wrong with these people?

Yesterday when I voted I looked around at faces. There were a lot of miserable grouchy looking people and then, a lot of smiling happy people talking to each other. I glanced at some registration sheets as they all stood in line and moved into sideways rows where we were fairly close. I have to say that the Republicans, for the most part,  looked unhappy(some were visibly angry) ,  were upset that they had to wait, and just overall had an aura of a dark cloud. Sort of like McCain.

today I voted......

I was more moved by a simple thing like putting an x before Barack Obama's name than i have been by anything in a long time. I felt such joy and then I felt like crying. I have not had this kind of hope for this country in so long I had forgotten what it feels like.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

well, well.......

What a surprise....
Why does this not surprise me?

The Really Right Stuff.............

This is for all of the people I know who keep pressing me on all the bad things about Barack Obama that are not true.
We have here a man of truth and one who always stands for what is right.  I finally have someone to quote when I hear slurs about any other culture. I sat across from someone at dinner a week or so ago and she said, the "only thing that bothers me is that the "Muslims" paid for his college".  I told her it  wasn't true, and I would send her the snopes page,  and she actually said to me "What about getting all the "poor " people to vote, "they don't know what they are doing"!!  Then, after dealing with that,  which is so unbelievable to me,  I said that I was very glad that the youth of this country are going to have a voice, a very large voice, in this election;  then she said, " Young people; they don't know anything". Well, the young people that I know,  and that my children know,  are very involved in this process  whether it is an election year or not. They know everything and they know both sides of everything.  I would love to know what kind of young people she knows; perhaps not very interested in this country.  Here is the announcement, Thank you Colin Powell,  for your wisdom.    

and,  Another video after the interview.   I know that I live in Georgia but I am so sorry there is still so much prejudice here. Do these people believe that God only made "their own kind"? From where do they think everyone else came?
...and, how did all this happen?  Here you go, very cute.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

1) Bill Maher 2) Majestic Wolves

Interview with Martin Short , Sanders and Affleck.
This next piece is hard to watch. I will add that to encourage the act Sarah Palin has offered an award of $150 for the left front paw of any wolf, even those hunted so unfairly from the air.
Wolves.......    a photo from the web.

Voter Fraud? I don't think so, not this year..........

This country has so many wonderful smart people. People who know how to make this world better for everyone. Where did all the hate come from? Are people born with it;  no, they learn it,  and a lot comes from fear and distrust. Much of that is because if you feel hate in your heart for, say, Asians, or Blacks, a transference takes place and you believe they hate you. That person that they hate is coming from their own reality, not yours. They are probably too busy to even think about you and they may like you. I prefer to trust and deal with everyone on a one to one basis. I fear if we don't trust we will all end up like the awful people showing their hatred today on youtube. Not a part of America to be proud of.
Anonymous Liberal, a very excellent and astute blog has made  a statement on voter fraud that explains just why, for people who can't seem to use common sense on this question, voter fraud does not and will never exist. Now hacking into Diebold machines like the Republican operatives did in elections is another story.
   This was an incredibly depressing evening. We met people we know for dinner...McCain sign in the yard , fine, I knew their politics. What I didn't expect was two people who do not use the internet, have never checked any facts, screaming at me about Acorn and just overall astounded that I was still supporting Obama.  All they listen to is Fox fake news. This man in a lawyer, his wife is beautiful and capable and has had a very successful career, now retired. They actually insisted that the Democrats have made Obama's books unavailable and they were relentless. It was easily one of the most unpleasant dinners of my life, I ate very little, I am sick to my stomach and I could feel the hate radiating from these two people. I held my ground. Tomorrow will be better. I will make it better.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sarah Palin breaks the budget...........

Another video of the Wasilla Project . VIDEO> What Sarah Palin did to the budget of Wasilla Alaska. The amazing thing is that she does not know ANYTHING. Nothing. 

Americans, that I cannot even believe live in my world.................

It just doesn't seem real that this exists. I have always been shocked at comments about other cultures and races that were derogatory. I can't imagine being friends with anyone who would act like these people and maybe that is why I prefer being alone to associating with large groups that I do not know. Just a downer, an unnecessary stress and a sad commentary on a world that is so beautiful in so many ways. VIDEO> Another group of McCain supporters.   I wonder when I see things like this does this happen? Where do they learn to be so filled with hate and lies;  and such stupidity is stunning.

Sorry, I just can't sleep........

I have to say that McCain is so out of touch with todays world that I wonder how he gets through his day. I suppose it is ok in the senate, when he works.  He has enough senators around him who are also totally in a world that has been gone for at least 7 years. I watched him talk in the debate and those of us who are nearer his age, I am 64, sometimes do not catch it, but he is speaking in terms that are from Ronald Reagan's time. No wonder this is happening to him. I can say he is out of touch but the younger generation who really will own this world with it's glories and it's problems, they have written him off,  because they have no idea what he means or why he sounds so stupid.   and Joan Walsh, an interesting and forward and very fair women....her view.
Garrison Keillor   Now

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

the saddest lie.....

I watched the debate. As always I thought Obama wasn't tough or mean enough. I am always wrong. 
The biggest lie that I have to hold McCain responsible for because it is a lie that cuts right to the heart of mothers and all families that are close. John McCain said that Sarah Palin is for funding for special needs. !!  What!?  Then why did she cut special needs in Alaska 62% ? Is that because it didn't affect her? These are the most self centered people I have ever seen. 
Yesterday I posted a video on the governor's mansion and the refurbishing that "Todd" did with his contractor friends. The prices were astronomical!  That money could have gone to special needs families.....and, yes, it was that much, ......... and they could have hired real contractors who charged real prices. Here is the video again. At first I thought the prices were a mistake....they are not.

Rolling Stone .... another great article.

Photo No more important reason to make the world safe and to make education the top priority.

Just what I've been talking about and what is happening to this country. It's supposed to be a very good God loving democracy. On top of everything else; is john McCain crazy or is it just power he wants so badly? 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

an amazing organization..........

The photo is the reason we all care, whatever our choice may be.

Now there are published reports from the reporters that the campaign workers led by Jeffrey Frederick,  for McCain, are supposed to tell the people in the neighborhoods they are working that they need to be afraid of Obama. The workers are being told to try to connect the names of Obama and Osama in their talks with the people they are canvassing. In Gainesville Virginia this is happening. They are also being told to emphasize bombing and terrorism. They are told to say to people that Obama will not salute the flag and that no one knows where he was born.  Such lies but even worse..... is this the way to teach a group of people, many young men and women,  who are trying to get involved in politics and possibly love politics? Is this how they should feel our government in this wonderful country is supposed to work? What a bad bad example.
And: then there is the Obama campaign. Organized with care
.....and very amazing.

The Alaska Governor's Mansion.....

This seems to be very indicative of what appears to have happened in Alaska in many other situations with the Palins. Tour of the Governor's Mansion..

Have to mention this........

A truly disgusting McCain Palin rally; and McCain said it was only a few people. This is what John McCain and Sarah Palin have wrought. What kind of people are these? click here for rally 

Monday, October 13, 2008

and yet another shift in his campaign.......

                                                               sweet rocket..

 The rhetoric has changed. All of the race baiting and nasty, sarcastic comments have been WAY toned down. It didn't work and I think that John McCain is probably furious at Bush and Karl Rove. He may be as angry as he was when Karl Rove destroyed him when Rove was running Bush's campaign. Remember how Rove and Bush infiltrated the community with information, false information, that the baby Cindy McCain adopted was John McCain's illegitimate, and they actually used the term "bastard" black child. That is how Bush won South Carolina in the Presidential primary against McCain.   How can he work with these people now? Well, maybe he fired them;  or, perhaps,  John Lewis saying the campaign rallies were evoking the same kind of reactions that George Wallace evoked made him stop and think about the absolute hate they were stoking in people's hearts.  Then again, maybe the very conservative journalists like Kristol telling him that his campaign is dysfunctional made him change a little. Now the strange and vile comments are coming from others in the campaign. It will probably help McCain. 

It seems, according to the Troopergate report that Todd Palin was in the governors office helping his wife run the state a lot of the time. What is that all about? I feel sorry for her daughter and future son-in-law. It is doubtful that either parent was around to supervise or instill love of education in these teenagers. Sad.
New news on The Keating Five scandal. It seems that after all the apologies from McCain, he was able to salve his hurt honor with the millions of dollars that his wife earned from the deals she kept with Keating. Oh well.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What did they expect?

A rainbow over the RRL Ranch from my deck.
I am so sick of this. Now the Republican party just can't figure out why McCain is doing so badly this late in the game. Gee, could it be because they permitted a man who is extremely obnoxious in every possible way to end up with the nomination? Someone had to help him along, he certainly did not get the nod all by himself. Everyone in the Senate knows what McCain's personality is like. This is nothing new. All who know him know that he has a violent temper and an unpleasantness about him that he, himself, believes is charming. Did you think that the people in this country were for some reason unable to see it? Everyone in government knows what he called his wife and, it is so bad it will never be repeated on the news, but, it should have been enough to warn the Republican party that he was unable to control anything, much less himself.
McCain may very well find some miracle and come back in this campaign but right now many have had enough of him and his sidekick. They are both sarcastic and nasty..... why would a majority of the people like them?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

i'm feeling that i need to try really harder to understand .......

My decisive actions when faced with the racist tones during this election are beginning to be stymied by my inability to really see what may be going on in other's lives. It is so hard for me to sit and listen to people I know talk about things that I know are not true and keep myself from going overboard and telling all the very bad things I have learned about John McCain that should not be repeated in mixed company. How many times can you tell someone that Barack Obama is not a Muslim. Even if he was a Muslim, he could be a good and decent man.  I just feel no one is looking at him, looking at McCain, and able to see what a huge difference there is in the persona of the two men.  It is especially disturbing to me that some of the people I know here in Georgia will not vote for Obama. It stuns me because everyone of my friends in northern states is very happy with him, looks up to him,  and is voting for him.
 I think all I can do is keep talking. It is disheartening because none of the southerners check any of their facts or read all sides of an issue. I think they hear 'Country First" and I haven't a clue what they think?? Do they think that McCain will take all our money and wage war after war while our bridges and infrastructure fail? Are they fine with that?  Do they believe that anyone who needs healthcare does not deserve it? I just do not get it.  ....and again, I find it very sad. None of us will live forever.  I hope my legacy is one of inclusion of ALL of America.
I do believe that things will change, that this is the last generation that will hate people who are not like them in skin color or in religion. I would despise being one who did not help forge the way.

Friday, October 10, 2008

what are they thinking? .........

more autumn .....
I watched a McCain rally, watched his daughter stand behind him and wondered how she felt. I actually worried about how she felt. There is a problem we liberal Democrats have. We don't really want to be vile about anyone. We are too nice. We care too much, about everyone and everything. The Republicans have made such a big deal out of every single thing they could possibly fabricate about everything in Obama's life without having to think about the Democrats getting vicious and obscene because we just don't do that.
 Barack Obama, he stands or sits on stage while McCain ridicules him and talks down to him and he still looks like a president. The thing is that I believe this time good people are paying attention. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

very powerful........

I was not going to post again today but i found this to be the most powerful speech I've heard this election year.
Please watch and please think about it.    Richard Trumka

last blog until late tomorrow........

I know that Cindy McCain knows how Washington works. Today she made the old claim that Obama voted against funding for the troops. She knows that what she says is ridiculous and if the bill was a correct bill he would have voted for it. Does anyone believe for even a minute that Barack Obama would not want to fund the troops of this country. No, no one believes it and neither does Cindy McCain. Check it out, the bill was a bad bill, it removed the timeline for withdrawal of troops and it did not matter if Obama voted for it so he voted against it to try to send a message that we need to get out of Iraq. Iraq has a 79 billion dollar surplus now...why are we spending our money there on that war? .....and our troops are still dying. Don't forget it was the Republicans who sent the troops off without gear that would protect them and that caused many deaths. John McCain voted against MANY bills to fund the troops himself but I'm sure there was something in them he did not like. Spare me.
and here is a little article that is very telling......
Jeffrey Goldberg has put in print what I have heard time and time again in private. Here you
photo.....Autumn in Ridgway.

.....the debate

Just standing around.
Boring except for Obama and his very perfect presidential manner. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

this time the Democrats know to fight back .....

an empty boat ...

  .......after the "swiftboating" in the last election, the Democrats have finally learned that they cannot just take "the high road" and ignore lies and smears.
Thank God that we did learn that lesson. I often think how very different our country would be today if we had fought back in 2004. I think of our troops and their bereft families . I hope the people who perpetrated that vile piece of propaganda know they are responsible. How they live with it I will never know. 
Now we have the McCain campaign attempting to make Americans believe that Barack Obama is something totally unAmerican .... they are thinking Muslim. Do they even know there aregood and decent American Muslims? John McCain is disgusting. He knows better .... and the American people are too smart this year to fall for it.

Monday, October 6, 2008

just a dream......

I could have cooked tonight.

Silly thought that the election would not get worse. 
This video from Keith Olberman is brilliant and someone thank heaven was smart enough to put it to words and in the media. Thank you Keith.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

low low Sarah Palin

I am past the point where I can just brush off the anger I feel when the McCain campaign lies. It isn't even a matter of lying any longer, what they are doing is criminal. I believe that the viciousness of this attack will not sit well with the American people and may backfire. Sarah Palin may well be their" pitbull" and come off exceptionally well to that oh so deeply religious base she has,  but she does not ring true with the much larger base of independants.  Also, there are too many things that McCain and Palin have in their past that can easily be exploited by a Democratic party that may decide it is finally time to be truthful about those things despite the fact they are stooping as low in mentioning them as the Republicans always do. A candidate who constantly parades her "very diverse" family deserves whatever is said about any of them, especially if she associates with them. I assume that although she is busy she does still associate with them. There also is the matter of the very anti-semitic statements that were said by the witchdoctor who was laying hands on Ms Palin at the time. Surely she was there in body if not in soul. surely she heard him and must have agreed or she would have left.  I needn't go into McCain's problems. We have the Keating 5 , his gambling, his calling his wife a decidedly foul name several years ago and then saying it was because he "had a tough day".  There are many more. He must be proud he is finally able to morally step into the shoes of George W Bush.

from my deck, sunset,  soothes my senses.........much needed. 

early Sunday .......1am

Snacking on a pear......
..........It's always so good to spend time with old friends. It isn't often that there are people you can see very seldom but it seems as though you saw them yesterday....very very nice.
Many great articles in Rolling Stone these days. Here they spell out some things about John McCain in a very straightforward way.......Rolling Stone
An article in Daily Kos that explains what those of us who have been watching,  see in Barack Obama. I feel he has a special empathy  for people and the more I hear of his way of dealing with various events the happier I am.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

more youtube .....

A storm cloud over Ouray 

        A note on Palin....
I think that we have all become so used to the things that we already know about Sarah Palin that we have begun to feel they don't mean much or they are little quirks that are partially because she lives in Alaska.
Here is a video that reminds us of just how strange her policies and her outright lies have become.

Friday, October 3, 2008

the driveway to everywhere............

A quick comment on McCain and healthcare....If this video disappears it is because it seems that anything real about McCain is removed very quickly. Healthcare.
...........and a charming view of newt talking about Sarah.

I could not begin to take the debate apart. There are too many moments where Sarah Palin made comments that spoke to her complete lack of knowledge on every single issue. To make it worse she now says that Katie Couric annoyed her last week during the CBS interview!  She (Palin),  of the shrill and shriek. 

I will quote from  ...........

"She does not know what "achilles heel" means. Watch it. She. Does. Not. Know. What. It. Means.
Forget the tight stripper skirt, forget the metallic eyeshadow inappropriate for anyone over the age of 40, forget the cloying sitcom delivery, the lies, the cruel and calculated needling of Biden by calling his college professor wife a "school teacher" and saying "she'll get her reward in heaven" (to a man whose first wife died in a car accident) -- she's an idiot.
I cannot believe that we are seriously thinking of placing this dodo bird within reach of the Presidency."
    Jane Hamsher ....from

Thursday, October 2, 2008

spare me .........

If I had to listen to her for 4 years when what she says is supposed to be important I will be forced to never watch the news again. Annoying annoying annoying......and so much like high school. She was sophomoric and really made no sense a lot of the time, but,  she did better than I thought she would do. Oh ... get THIS.
Please, someone stop her.
          Also,  here is something hysterical that McCain said tube
        .........and a picture to take our minds off "you betcha" and all the other snap phrases we just had to listen to over and over again. This deer,  that loves to hang out in my yard when the mountain lions aren't around,  is at least safe from Sarah Palin.

Please read as much as you can, every single day......

  A very bright person has summed up all the garbage that is being repeated over and over again now on Fox and on the disgusting right leaning talk radio stations. Please read The Anonymous Liberal for October 2nd  ... there are two .... and understand what is being said and what is really true. I have become more and more used to the neocon destruction of our values but I fear that someday this country will be a shadow of it's former self.  I know that intelligent people read but why is it that so many who are voting for McCain here in the south do not have the faintest idea what is going on. Don't ask some of them any questions about this campaign,  you will think that Sarah Palin has appeared before you, or worse. Read !  This is one election where every single person who votes has the ability to know the issues and to ferret out the truth on every issue. Do it!
  and read Goldstein  ,  especially this one.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

gibberish .....

I truly believe that McCain has lost his senses in every way. Please read Daily Kos today. It is quite stunning in the study of what McCain is saying and thinking. 
Is it possible that he feels if he starts speaking gibberish, then Palin's gibberish will make more sense?
I'm just blown away by this.....and I, too, will tip my hat to the interviewer.
Another piece by Anonymous Liberal....linked over on the right..... said that when Palin uses her "joe sixpack" comment, which she will probably do,  since she tends to repeat everything over and over, Biden should say, "I'm Joe Biden, I know Joe Sixpack and you are NO Joe Sixpack" Kind of funny.
One of the most interesting comments over the last few days were Palin's statement that she has really been hearing Biden's speeches since she was in 2nd grade in 1972. She insisted to Katie Couric that it is true. Well, where would she have heard those?? She believes we are stupid and she is so used to saying and doing whatever she wants that she can't reign herself in even when confronted with her own idiocy. I like the comment she made when told she really couldn't spend 50,000 dollars to redecorate her mayoral office without an allocation....She said" I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want." God help whoever gets stuck with this woman!
Then we have this....a topper for the day....
When asked about debate preparation, Sarah Palin said  "I have quite a few who are giving us information about the record of Obama and Biden, and, at the end of the day, though, it is-it's so clear, again, what those choices are. Either new ideas, new energy and reform of Washington DC, or more of the same."         Huh!? What?? Please.