Sunday, November 30, 2008

election time is about to end.....

     I will miss the election on Tuesday...the run-off between Saxby Chambliss, who is continually telling lies about Jim Martin and who was a major draft dodger while many of us were in the service during Viet Nam(including Jim martin).  It just amazes me what people will do who say they are christian. In any event ...I already voted,  and Al Franken, it seems,  lost unless a judge decides he the 60 seats are very iffy right now. We will get them in two years.
      I am leaving for my 2nd annual trip to Disney World with a light heart about the administration and a very heavy heart because of India. Josie has many Indian friends, very close ones and they tend to live such centered lives ...very careful about recycling and how they treat people...they truly believe in karma so they are, i'm sure, as upset as we were during 9/11. Sad. Marty has stayed at The Taj when he flew for Delta...such a shock to see this happen.
Disney will be a lovely break from the rainy cold here and when I get is work, work, work.....I LOVE watching Jos at Disney!
Thanksgiving was very thankful this year...big family and all at peace.